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function h=hline(y, linetype, label)


function hhh=hline(y,in1,in2)


 function h=hline(y, linetype, label)
 Draws a horizontal line on the current axes at the location specified by 'y'.  Optional arguments are
 'linetype' (default is 'r:') and 'label', which applies a text label to the graph near the line.  The
 label appears in the same color as the line.

 The line is held on the current axes, and after plotting the line, the function returns the axes to
 its prior hold state.

 The HandleVisibility property of the line object is set to "off", so not only does it not appear on
 legends, but it is not findable by using findobj.  Specifying an output argument causes the function to
 return a handle to the line, so it can be manipulated or deleted.  Also, the HandleVisibility can be 
 overridden by setting the root's ShowHiddenHandles property to on.

 h = hline(42,'g','The Answer')

 returns a handle to a green horizontal line on the current axes at y=42, and creates a text object on
 the current axes, close to the line, which reads "The Answer".

 hline also supports vector inputs to draw multiple lines at once.  For example,

 hline([4 8 12],{'g','r','b'},{'l1','lab2','LABELC'})

 draws three lines with the appropriate labels and colors.
 By Brandon Kuczenski for Kensington Labs.
 8 November 2001


This function calls: This function is called by:
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